Baby's First Years
The first study in the United States to assess the impact of poverty reduction on family life and infant and toddlers’ cognitive, emotional, and brain development
Scientific Advisory Board
Orazio Attanasio, PhD, Professor of Economics, Yale University
Flavio Cunha, PhD, Professor of Economics, Rice University
Kathryn Edin, PhD, Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University
Philip Fisher, PhD, Philip H. Knight Chair & Professor of Psychology; Director, Center of Translational NeuroScience, University of Oregon
Bridget Goosby, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Faculty Affiliate Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin
Brenda Jones Harden, PhD, Alison Richman Professor for Children and Families, University of Maryland School of Social Work
Krista Perreira, PhD, Professor of Social Medicine, UNC School of Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill
Eldar Shafir, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Princeton University
Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, PhD, Professor of Applied Psychology, New York University
Former advisors
Tom Boyce, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco
Michael López, PhD, Vice President in the Education and Child Development department at NORC, University of Chicago
Bruce McEwen, PhD, Alfred E. Mirsky Professor and Director of Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Rockefeller University